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Neck Pain & Headaches
Neck pain and joint stiffness

Neck joints, so as all other joints, can gradually become stiff as a result of progressive degeneration (osteoarthrosis). This will lead to some muscle tightness and weakness over a period of time but will not necessarily be painful.


Sometimes, often as a result of a trauma, joints can also suddenly feel ‘locked’. The exact cause of this clinical phenomenon is unclear. Protective muscle spasm of certain neck and shoulder girdle muscles and ‘weakness’ of other regional muscles is the almost immediate response of the nervous system. The longer this condition exists, the more areas will be affected and the harder it is to reverse the pattern. Postural change and altered movement patterns will establish themselves, and ultimately a chronically sore neck may develop. Chronic conditions often require a combination of different treatment techniques to achieve lasting improvement or alleviation of the symptoms.


Neck-related headaches

A neck-related headache, or cervicogenic headache, is a secondary headache disorder. In other words, the headache is caused by a neck problem. The good news is that by fixing the neck problem, the headache can often be alleviated. Researchers assert that cervicogenic headaches account for approximately 20% of all headaches seen clinically. A thorough clinical examination usually allows determining whether the cervical spine is the likely cause of the headache.

Causes of neck-related headaches

Cervicogenic headaches can originate from a variety of neuromusculoskeletal structures. Clinically, however, dysfunctions are most commonly found within the upper three cervical segments. Dysfunction within the 'upper neck complex' can trigger pain signals that travel to the trigeminocervical nucleus (TCN) in the lower brainstem. This information is then transmitted to the brain, where it is interpreted as a headache.

Typical symptoms of neck-related headaches

Cervicogenic headaches can often be confused with other types of headaches. Tension-type headaches and migraines (without aura), for example, can affect the same areas as cervicogenic headaches. Cervicogenic headache sufferers will often report that their pain started in the neck. The top of the cervical spine and base of the skull will be tender, and neck stiffness and loss of movement is felt. Typically neck-related headaches affect one side only and the pain may be moderate to severe but not throbbing. Specific neck movements or postures can often trigger the typical pain. Ultimately a combination of Manual Therapy treatments, Dry Needling, behavioural changes and exercise should relieve cervicogenic headaches.


Some of the above treatments can be considered as part of a treatment concept when treating tension-type headaches and some forms of migraine.

Pillows, neck pain and stiffness

Advice on pillows and mattresses is very involved. What is right for one person may not suit somebody else, which is why we see such a broad range of different products on offer. A proper mattress and pillow should at least be comfortable and offer support for the body to get a good night sleep.


Facts are mattresses and pillows ‘work’ together. The same pillow will ‘work’ differently on another mattress. Someone that has no significant neck problems during the day but always wakes up with an achy and stiff neck likely has a bad pillow and/or mattress. Most quality pillows will gradually lose their support over time and should be replaced after approximately five years. Some lesser quality pillows may not be supportive or only remain supportive for a few months. Whether the pillow’s internal material is down, feather, foam, memory foam, rubber, latex or any other natural or synthetic product, they will all eventually disintegrate with time and use.

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